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Swedish-Portuguese-Bulgarian Workshop at Forúm Bizfeira 2018

12 October 2018

"The future of ICT" was the title of a highly interactive workshop on how the three ICT dense countries Portugal, Bulgaria and Sweden can increase cooperation in the ICT sphere - building networks and business on synergies, resources and ICT development.

On October 11th, CLS participated on the full day event Forum BizFeira in Santa Maria de Feira, north of Porutgal. Santa Maria de Feira belongs to the greater Oporto region, and is the 9th largest producing region in the country.

With great opportunites for B2B meetings, the day ended with a joint workshop on cooperation between Portugal, Sweden and Bulgaria.

The panelists Antonio Teixiera from AETICe, Erik-Wilhelm Graef Behm from Business Region Gothenburg and Nadia Soultanova from Sofia Invest Agency all shared important insights and areas for further joint efforts. The workshop was moderated by CLS own Vice-President Jennifer Ekström and was highly interactive with many questions from the audicance on how to strenghten the bonds between the countries, 

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